- All games must start on time.
- There will be a penalty for the team that causes the delay. There is a 15 minute grace period only.
- After the grace period expires the team causing the delay can be charged up to 3 runs.
- 25 minute plus delay will be an automatic forfeit if the opposing manager elects to take the win.
- The game is official after the 5th inning. Any team leading after the bottom half of any inning after the 5th inning will get the win. (This includes time running out on the lights). If there is an injury, game must continue on unless both teams decide on completing the game on a future date which doesn't interfere with the schedule.
- Afternoon games will not overlap the night games by more than 15 minutes unless the game is in extra innings. At the 15 minute mark, the team with the lead at the end of the last completed inning wins.
Upon agreement from both captains, a game may be postponed or played on weeknight or holiday within an approved amount of time. Teams must notifiy league admins on the change with advanced notice. Failure to make up the game may result in a loss for both teams
Rain Outs
- Games will be moved to the end of the schedule and played only if necessary to determine standings.
- All Rainouts and Cancellations will come from League Admins only, who will always make the final call.
- Weather conditions will take precedence over any forfeits.
- Each team is allowed 2 non South Asian / Middle Eastern players in a single game. You can use different ones throughout the season and playoffs.
- All players must be in uniform whether it is in a t-shirt or jersey form.
- With opposing manager approval - teams can pick up players from another team in the event they do not have enough players for that game.
- All wooden bats, including wood composite and hybrids are permitted.
- Baseballs will be provided to each team, and are required to be used during games.
- Metal cleats are not allowed, only rubber, molded, or plastic cleats.
- Players must wear a glove on defense.
- Each team will pitch to themselves, overhand.
- Players will only get two (2) pitches before being called out.
- All pitches thrown from the pitcher’s mound toward home plate are considered to be in the strike zone. There are no called balls or strikes.
- Pitches hitting the ground prior to reaching home plate are still considered playable pitches.
- Pitchers can pitch up to 10 steps closer to home plate from the furthest pitching mound
- One leg of the safety net must be touching the mound from where the pitcher is pitching.
- Each batter will start with 2 total pitches only. A foul or tipped ball on the second pitch or any subsequent pitches will result in another pitch. There is no limit to the number of foul or tipped balls during an at-bat
- A ball that hits a pitcher or the pitcher’s net will not count as a pitch, it will be a redo.
- A batter can still hit the ball if the pitch hits the ground prior to reaching home plate.
- Batters must take a full swing to count as foul or tipped ball. No bunting or half swings allowed. A half or checked swing on the second pitch will result in the second strike (at the umpire's discretion).
- A batter must have at least one foot in the batter’s box. Both feet cannot be above the batter’s box.
- There can be 12 BATTERS for each team including 1 DH. 11 players can rotate defensively.
- A team can substitute a player in the batting order, but the player leaving the lineup can reenter the game only after the substitute has played at least one full inning.
- There will be a 5 run rule per inning but a team can get a max 8 runs per inning if they have 4 runs scored and load the bases.
- 9th inning / final inning is unlimited for both teams.
- If a team is down by 8 or more runs - they can score enough runs to tie the game only. The team trying to catch up cannot take the lead. (This rule does not apply during the 9th inning). The last 4 runs of an inning must come on the the final play with the bases loaded. For example if a team is down by 10 runs, the 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th runs must be scored on a final play. A grandslam will be needed to tie up a game when a team is down by 8 or more runs.
- A ball that hits the yellow line on the outfield fence is considered a home run.
- When a team is trying to MAX out an inning, baserunners will get 2 automatic bases if the ball ends up in the dugout or out of play.
- A team can have up to 9 players on defense per inning.
- Any defensive throw that hits the pitching net is a LIVE BALL
- A team can substitute a player on defense, and the player leaving the game can reenter the game at the completion of that inning.
- There will be one optional intentional walk allowed per game. Defensive team can choose to walk one batter at any point in the game, and the batter will automatically be placed on first base, with their at bat being complete.
- A base runner must duck or get out of the baseline to avoid being hit by the baseball. If this is not met, both runners will be automatically out.
- There is no INFIELD FLY RULE.
- Any ball that is thrown into the dugout or past the fence results in 1 extra bases for the runner(s)
- Since the pitcher does not field, balls that do not cross the infield base paths are subject to the poison rule.
- Any batted ball coming to a complete stop inside the infield base paths can be ruled POISON upon the following conditions:
- The ball is not touched by any defensive player.
- A defensive player yells "POISON" once the ball has come to a complete stop.
- If the ball is touched by a defensive player or the catcher crosses home plate before POISON is ruled, the ball is considered a live ball.
- Each batter is allowed 1 POISON per at-bat which will be counted the same as a foul or tipped ball. The second POISON will result in an automatic out.
- Poison may still be called when teams are not playing with a catcher.
Base Running
- There are no leadoff when on base
- There will be no base stealing
- 3 Pinch runners are allowed per game, and can be used at any point during the game. Any player can be the runner.
- Runners cannot slide into 1st base.
- Catcher must never block home plate – run scores automatically.
- 3rd base umpire will be umping 3rd base and 2nd base
- 1st base umpire will be umping 1st base and home plate
- Teams will use the possession arrow for questionable calls. The first questionable call or close play will go to the Home team. The posession arrow then moves to the Away team, and keeps rotating as such.
- The Top 4 teams in the league standings will qualify for playoffs. Both rounds will be best of 3 to determine the winner.
- All players will need to play a minimum of 1 regular season games or more, in order to qualify for playoffs.
- Any 2 non desi / middle eastern players may participate, and can rotate each game.
- If teams are tied in the standings at the end of the seaon, the first tie breaker will be their head to head matchups in order to determine the higher seed. The second tie breaker will be their run differential in those head to head games.
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